Success Stories
MD. ANOWAR HUSSAIN, A young emerging agri-entrepreneur of Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone
Md. Hussain was basically from a poor family consisting of ten members, whose total cultivable land was only 1.07 ha. Since childhood, Md. Hussain was interested in farming and always provided support to his family during in his leisure hours in doing farming. Academically he was an average student. On completion of high school, he joined Nowgong College for further studies. While admitting in college, his parents were not able to afford his basic tution fees. But fortunately, the then Principal of Nowgong College reviewed his grades and decided to extend the admission dates with special provision. This incident made him determined to achieve success through hard work in his life. As agricultural farming was the only source of income for his family, Hussain took up rice farming as his priority in their owned and leased land covering an area of 2.5 ha. The land he inherited was under-utilized with no irrigation facilities where they practiced the traditional rice cropping system. At first, he faced losses with rice mono cultivation; but later with the adaptation of new horticultural crops with improved farming practices, led to the advent of more remuneration. Though he was the youngest, being the most intelligent and creative, Hussain could direct his four elder brothers towards practicing cultivation of various crops and engaged them in the farm activities. Within a short period of time, he came into contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra Nagaon (then in RARS Shillongani Campus), Regional Agricultural Research Station and Department of Agriculture, Nagaon.
During his initial years of farming, due to his curiosity towards learning new technologies of agriculture, Hussain attended many training programmes pertaining to horticultural crops organized by KVK Nagaon. Since then, he was accustomed with those developed technologies in the field of agriculture viz. cultivation of Assam lemon, flower crops i.e. Gerbera, Tuberose, Gladiolus and Marigold etc. and maintaining a good cordial relationship with the KVK scientist. He discussed all sorts of problems arised during farming with KVK Scientists and was brave enough to make a fortune in such situation through adoption of scientific methods of farming advised by the KVK scientists and changed the agricultural scenario in Begenaati village.
During, 2016-17, he stared an FPO named Sankar Azan Agro Producer Company Ltd. (FPC) which was guided by KVK Nagaon and promoted by Directorate of Horticulture & Food Processing. KVK, Nagaon also organized training cum awareness programme to built FPC amongst farmers at his village. The main objectives of their FPC were employment generation through creation of Farmers Interest Group, cultivation of Potato with Chips production, Maize, Assam Lemon, Pumpkin and Lablab. The FCP also had a tie up with Kishlay Foods Pvt. Ltd., Guwahati and Beer factory Byrnihat, Meghalaya. Farmers of the FPC have been cultivating Assam lemon in more than 1800 bigha of land. They are marketing Assam lemon regularly in the market and earn a good amount. The success of Hussain as well as activity of the FPC has been attracting more youths of Nagaon towards agriculture. They also came to know that cultivation of different varieties of potatoes like Kufri Chipsona which is mainly for chips can be done in Nagaon for higher income and also growing crops in cluster make marketing easy.
Mr. Hussain made a major drift in the cropping pattern as a result of which his cropping intensity has increased from 100% to 400%. After adopting all the scientific management practices, he has been able to achieve a net return of approx Rs. 16,16,300.00. Along with higher economic returns, a positive vibe among the farmers of Bengenaati and adjacent villages can be felt as other famers also started showing their interest to accept technologies given by KVK, Nagaon. He is a man with good market intelligence. He goes always with market survey and dispose agricultural produces always at high market price. Needless to say he fetches high price by selling Assam lemon as he tries to make available his produce in advance in the market. His way of working helps his fellow farmers to get high price in the market and increase their income.
Md. Anuwar Hussain had been honored by various organizations with following awards for his hard works in agriculture:
• Certificate for adopting modern agricultural techniques and encouraging fellow farmers in his Kisanvani Programme broadcasted from AIR, Nagaon.
• Certificate for superior performance in agriculture by achieving higher productivity and self-sufficiency in food grains production in the state of Assam by adopting improved technologies and for inspiring fellow farmers
• 2nd Best Farmer Award in Assam by then President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
• 3rd Best Farmer Award in Agri-Horti Show organized by Department of Agriculture Assam in 2001 & 2010-11
• Letter of Appreciation for initiative for Doubling Farmers Income by MoA, Govt. of Assam on 14th July 2018
• Certificate of Honor by Lions Club of Nagaon, 2001
• Certificate of Progressive farmers by District Agricultural Office, Nagaon, GoA, 1996
• Certificate and Award for participation in Exhibition show by District Agricultural Office and Department of Horticulture Nagaon, GoA, 1994.
• Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) Visited his farm at Bengenaati on 6th November, 2020. The Team was highly impressed to witness the scientific cultivation of Assam Lemon and animal components (dairy and turkey farming, etc.) practised by Mr. Hussain under the technical guidance of KVK Nagaon. The team also asked the farmers presented there to follow and expands technologies like Mr. Anwar Hussain.

Success Story of Mr. Pranoy Basumatary
Mr. Pranoy Basumatary, an inhabitant of village Barkachari Gaon, under Kathiatali block of Nagaon district was earlier involved in some small activities including daily wage labourer in the field of agriculture and other household activities to get his bread and butter. His journey was started as wage labourere when he attained the age of 25 years with limited skin saving earnings and today he is in a position to get more income from his piggery to run his family comfortably. While Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modiji announced the DFI programme during 2017 throughout the country, the KVK Nagaon also took responsibilities and initiated several steps to enhance the farmer’s income double by implementing newer technologies in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. Accordingly the KVK, Nagaon identified Barkacharigaon as DFI operational village during 2017-18 and carried out benchmark survey, PRA as well as SWOT analysis and awareness as well as training programmes on different livelihood sectors were conducted by the Scientists of KVK, Nagaon. Mr. Pranoy Basumatary, an ordinary pig farmer attended a training more particularly on Scientific Pig Farming organized by Animal Science Discipline under KVK, Nagaon during july 2018. It was his first step for scientific pig farming which was turning point for him. After getting training he was supported by three numbers of piglets of HDK 75% breed (1 male & 2 female) and 3 pig sty from KVK, Nagaon. He stared his piggery with a great hope and he tried his level best to get more income from his small piggery unit. Our KVK, Nagaon team also helped him in every aspects at maximum extend whenever he needed. Gradually his pigs attained maturity and one day his both female pigs were bred successfully which ultimately furrowed 12 piglets after one year. He sold 10 piglets @ Rs. 4000/- per piglet which gave him approximately Rs. 40,000/- profit within one year only. Now, he is very happy and he planned to make his piggery bigger than earlier in next years. His story is a testimony of how not giving up on yourself always pays in the end.